The final meeting has been organized at Justervesenet (JV), Oslo, Norway on 23th and 24 thMay 2023.
Partners from: TUBITAK, BRML, IMBiH, JV, INM, MER and FSB were present. Detailed project results, reports and deliverables by workpackage activities, including Dual-Type Thermometer and slim/ miniature FP cells testing, were discussed. Future planes for the next deliverables and reports submission have been adopted.
Partners from: TUBITAK, BRML, IMBiH, JV, INM, MER and FSB were present. Detailed project results, reports and deliverables by workpackage activities, including Dual-Type Thermometer and slim/ miniature FP cells testing, were discussed. Future planes for the next deliverables and reports submission have been adopted.
As a follow-up of the final meeting on 25th of May a workshop for stakeholders at JV was organized.
25th May Justervesenet (JV) organized a workshop for stakeholder with the aim to present the objectives, results, and impact from the project. Industrial customers and secondary laboratories were invited to this event and 5 had the possibility to attend. The workshop was held in English. The coordinator Narcisa Arifovic, WP leaders and RMG1 researcher from IMBiH gave presentations of the project and the following themes were covered:
- Novel devices and methods for in-situ testing of thermocouple drift
- Dual-type thermometer
- Triple-type thermometer
- Novel devices and methods for characterisation of thermocouple inhomogeneity
- Slim FP cell
- Mini FP cell
- Development of novel measurement facilities for verification of thermocouple performance
- Curie point
- New inhomogeneity testing device
- Impact work (WP4)
- Design of temperature fixed-point cells (RMG-1, IMBiH)
- Visit to the laboratories at JV
The stakeholders found the workshop and lab visit very interesting and are very excited on the wider results and outcome from this project.